Why Join WrenchWay’s Online Community?

Whether you’re actively looking for a job or not, WrenchWay makes it easy for technicians to explore new opportunities, stay up-to-date on what’s going on in their area, and help improve and promote the technician profession.


Check out all the job details you care about before you apply or interview:

  • Compensation ranges for all levels
  • Photos of service areas and equipment
  • FAQs on work environment, career development, and hiring process
  • Videos of technicians and managers (not the cheesy, scripted kind)


Example of a Top Shop page and callout of Under the Hood section on WrenchWay


Explore technician compensation in your area and across the U.S.

  • Breakdown technician pay rates by industry including automotive, diesel, collision, and education
  • Explore pay rates by shop type like dealership, independent, fleet, and more
  • Search by zip code and adjust the radius search based on your preferences
  • Filter by experience by choosing minimum and/or maximum years of experience



Track certifications and discover new training in one place.

  • Track, manage, and organize completed automotive and diesel training and certifications
  • Upload photos of certifications and other attachments
  • Sort, filter, and export your list of training and certifications
  • Find upcoming in-person and online training opportunities


Adding a new certification in WrenchWay
Example of a technician and shop messaging back and forth regarding a reverse job post in WrenchWay


Overwhelmed by the job search process? Let shops come to you.

Blue Number 1 designed by Freepik from Flaticon

Post your skills and what you’re looking for in a shop. Your contact information is kept 100% anonymous.

Blue Number 2 designed by Freepik from Flaticon

Shops initiate the conversation. They will reach out to you with opportunities.

Blue number 3 designed by Freepik from Flaticon

Message with shops while remaining anonymous. You choose when to share your contact information.



Not looking for a new job? See what’s going on in the industry and in your area through WrenchWay Shop Talk.

  • Get an unscripted, authentic look at what it’s like to work at shops in your area and beyond
  • Earn entries in our random monthly drawing by answering poll questions where you could win $500 and give $500 to the high school auto/diesel/CTE program of your choice
  • Interact with other industry professionals to help elevate and grow the industry
  • See what technician students are learning at the high school and collegiate level


Shop Talk listing and Monthly Drawing info on WrenchWay

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