
For Schools

Why Automotive Skills Need to Be Taught in High School

Answer this for me: Why are culinary classes offered, even required, in most high schools, but a basic automotive course isn’t? Eating is essential for survival, but don’t most people rely on their cars for transportation to get to their job that pays for that food? We rely on cars so much to take us

2024-10-18T10:32:05-05:00For Schools|

How Schools Can Attract More Females to Technician Programs

Walk into any service center and you’ll see the vast majority of technicians are male. In fact, a study done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2020 found that only 9% of all automotive technicians in the United States are women. While this is a 7% improvement from 2018 (which is huge), we still

2024-06-03T15:02:17-05:00For Schools|

WrenchWay School Assist: Free Tool Helps Schools Connect with Local Shops & Dealerships

We're excited to announce the release of our new product to help high schools and post-secondary schools with technician programs connect with local shops and dealerships. WrenchWay School Assist is a free tool that makes it easier for schools to get the resources they need to attract more young students to technician programs and educate them

2024-07-08T10:25:34-05:00For Schools|
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