Answer this for me: Why are culinary classes offered, even required, in most high schools, but a basic automotive course isn’t? Eating is essential for survival, but don’t most people rely on their cars for transportation to get to their job that pays for that food?

We rely on cars so much to take us to work and keep our families safe when traveling. How is it so many people drive a machine every day that they know so little about? In fact, 26% of Americans can’t change their own car tires. Shocking, isn’t it? School is supposed to prepare kids for the real world and workforce, but there are clearly a few missing links.

Why Automotive Isn’t Being Taught in High School

Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons automotive classes aren’t being offered in high school. Some of what we hear includes:

  • Not enough time in a semester to develop basic skills
  • Not a required course
  • Not enough student interest
  • No budget or supplies
  • Safety concerns
  • Shortage of automotive instructors

While there are some legitimate reasons for not offering an automotive course in high school (i.e., not enough instructors, etc.), the majority of what we hear seems to be more excuses than anything else. To me, this means there needs to be more education around the value of offering an automotive class at the high school level. Let’s take a look…

6 Reasons Automotive Skills Need to Be Taught in High School

Inspire Young Students

If students aren’t exposed to skilled trades in high school, how will they know if it’s a viable career path for them after graduation? Some students enjoy understanding how things work and fixing them with their hands. School and extracurricular activities provide opportunities for students to explore different fields, discover what they like, and identify what they are good at, so they can pursue a career that interests them after graduation.

Programs that expose students to the automotive industry can inspire and prepare the next generation of technicians, engineers, and innovators. Companies are picking up on this trend and creating content to help schools incorporate project-based learning to inspire these hands-on students too.

why automotive classes should be taught in high school

Save on Future Maintenance & Make Better Car Decisions

In a poll performed by Transmission City, it was found the average American spends almost $800 a year on car repairs and maintenance. If students were given the skills in school to change their own oil, for instance, that could help save them money to use towards bills or expenses in the future.

Even if students don’t perform their own repairs or maintenance, just having the smallest amount of car knowledge could help them make better car-buying and maintenance decisions in the future. In a recent survey, nine in 10 people claimed they’ve been overcharged or may have been overcharged at one time by auto repair shops. Having basic automotive knowledge could help students avoid issues like this and make them feel more comfortable making decisions about their car.

importance of technical education

Hands-On Training with Real-World Context

Auto shop class is the perfect link between learning and application of studies. Students get hands-on training that leads to stable careers in the skilled trades.

Not only is shop class linked to real-life skills, but students also get to apply their knowledge from other school subjects in the shop. The understanding of mathematical fractions is essential in auto mechanics since any bolt less than an inch is referred to as a fraction. Plus, calculating torque, engine size, horsepower, and more are all ways technicians use math in the shop.

importance of automotive knowledge

Technicians are in High Demand

Automotive technicians are in high demand due to the growing complexity of modern vehicles and the increasing number of cars on the road. As automotive technology advances, with features like electric and hybrid engines, sophisticated computer systems, and advanced safety mechanisms, the need for skilled technicians who can diagnose, repair, and maintain these systems becomes critical.

Currently, the automotive industry is facing a shortage of qualified technicians as many experienced professionals retire. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of automotive technicians is projected to grow by 2% from 2022 to 2032, adding approximately 67,700 new jobs per year. This increasing demand not only ensures job security, but also offers competitive salaries and opportunities for career advancement.

Career Lattice

The automotive industry is thriving, driven by continuous advancements in technology and an ever-growing demand for vehicle maintenance worldwide. According to recent industry reports, Americans are holding on to their vehicles longer than ever since the costs to purchase new vehicles have risen post-pandemic.

This booming industry offers a multitude of career paths for students interested in the automotive field. There are technicians, service managers, shop owners, marketing professionals, sales representatives, and more. The industry’s need for innovation and maintenance ensures a dynamic and rewarding career landscape for those passionate about automobiles and technology.

High Earning Potential

Professionals in the automotive industry can make a good income despite the outdated perception on being a mechanic. In fact, WrenchWay’s Technician Pay Tool, which gathers data from thousands of technicians, shows that the average auto technician makes $88,981 per year. This is well above the average household income in the United States of $74,580.

Explore technician pay rates in your area with WrenchWay's Technician Pay Tool

Running Successful Auto Shop Classes

Vel Phillips Memorial High School: Garnering Industry Support

Auto programs across the country are facing significant challenges due to budget cuts, diminishing programs, and a lack of industry support. However, VP Memorial in Madison, WI, has been able to curb the challenges by working with local businesses. Local shops and dealerships have stepped up to help out VP Memorial’s automotive program by donating vehicles, engines, funds for equipment, and more. This local support has been vital in sustaining and expanding the auto program.

Freedom High School: Preparing Students for Success

Jay Abitz, an automotive and collision repair teacher at Freedom High School in Wisconsin, continues a legacy established by his father, instilling in students a passion for cars as both a career and a hobby. Abitz leads a prizewinning program that includes an annual car show, showcasing student skills to over 500 attendees. The program features an after-school auto club with industry volunteers, many of whom are alumni, enhancing both student and instructor expertise. Abitz’s students have excelled in competitions, securing state championships and national recognition, with 100% of graduates entering the workforce, further education, or the military.

Valley Forge High School: Providing Real Shop Training Experience

Another successful auto program can be found at Valley Forge High School located in Parma Heights, Ohio. Gary Mitchhart has been the instructor of the class for the past 10 years. He continues to keep the equipment his students train on current to keep up with new industry technology. Students begin training in 11th grade through a combination of classroom and shop instruction beginning with auto training. This accredited National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) program gives students experience on what it is like to work in a real shop with its multiple lifts, wheel alignment systems, and more.


Editor’s Note: Last updated June 2024. This article was originally published in October 2021 and has been updated to include new data and educational information for accuracy.


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