
Shop Management

How the Right Auto Shop SMS Helps with Staff Retention

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Top techs want top technology. By giving them the best auto shop SMS, you eliminate many workplace hassles that lead them to consider quitting. You cannot expect tech-savvy people to come aboard and adopt a paper-based system or one that has not adapted to 2022 standards.

2023-02-21T12:59:51-05:00Shop Management|

Benefits of Technician Recognition in Shops (Plus Ideas & Tips)

It’s not a secret; the technician shortage makes it harder for shops to recruit new technicians. However, that is why it is even more important to focus on keeping their current technicians. How can shops do this? One way is with proper recognition! Everyone wants to be recognized for a job well done. Whether it

2024-06-26T11:04:08-05:00Shop Management|

Recruiting Tips for Hiring at Multi-Location Shops

This article was originally published on the Shop-Ware blog. Hiring for one auto repair shop is hard enough. But, hiring for shops with multiple locations? Even harder. Between navigating customer relations, hiring, training, managing employees, overseeing inventory, and maintaining compliance standards, service managers have a lot on their plates. Hiring, although very important, is only

6 Tips to Increase Technician Productivity in Your Shop

Technician productivity is always a hot topic amongst repair shop owners. How can they help techs do their best work? Are there areas where they, as owners, can shore up weaknesses to ensure their staff has the room they need to do their jobs? The crew at Fullbay is dedicated to increasing technician productivity. That’s

2024-07-12T14:06:00-05:00Shop Management|

Questions Shops Should Ask Technicians During an Interview

Finding technicians is hard enough. There’s no need to make it more difficult with a cumbersome interview process. But what does a successful interview process look like? Where do you start? What questions do you ask? We polled our network to find out what questions they ask technicians during the interview process. We talked to

2023-06-12T15:29:42-05:00Shop Management|

What to Do When Technicians Want More Than You’re Paying

We often get into conversations where a shop owner or manager is frustrated because a technician they really want to hire is asking for more money than what they are paying others in the shop. It’s About More Than Just Salary When digging deeper, we generally find that there is more to the problem than

2024-04-08T11:19:26-05:00Shop Management|

Protect Your Tools: Tragedy Sparks Conversation About Tool Insurance

This article was originally published on VehicleServicePros.com in 2019. Recently, I made a visit to the northwoods of Wisconsin. If you’ve never been, I’d highly recommend making the trip, especially during the fall as it is absolutely gorgeous. I typically love my visits to northern Wisconsin as it provides some level of peacefulness and a

How to Retain Technicians in Your Shop

Hiring technicians is a pain point every shop and dealership is struggling with today. And after putting all the time, money, and effort into finding and hiring a qualified technician, the last thing any shop owner or manager wants is to lose them. The loss of a technician is expensive for a number of reasons.

2024-06-26T08:53:15-05:00Shop Management|

A Short Guide on How to Sell Your Shop to Technicians

We know finding technicians right now can be tough. Since almost every shop is hiring, you need to stand out from the crowd. Traditional recruiting isn’t going to cut it anymore. You need to get creative and SHOW technicians why your shop is a great place to work and what makes you different. Identify what

2024-02-05T17:51:24-05:00Shop Management|

Ethics in the Automotive Industry

While a person’s reputation has always been among their most valuable assets, in today’s world of Google searches, Yelp reviews, and X rants, a person’s reputation is so easily obtainable that only the ethical person will succeed for long. Behaving in an ethical manner in the automotive industry goes far beyond just being a hard

2024-07-12T14:47:25-05:00Shop Management|
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