
Technician Recruiting

Why Shops & Dealerships Should Put Salary in Technician Job Postings

Writing an automotive technician job posting that entices candidates to apply is no easy task. Often times, one of the biggest sticking points for many shops and dealerships wanting to hire technicians is, “Should I include salary in technician job postings?” The quick answer: Absolutely. Shops Not Posting Salary Range are Missing Out on Qualified

Why is There a Shortage of Automotive Technicians?

Over the last few years, I have read countless articles and posts on social media about the shortage of technicians in the available workforce or labor pool as a whole. There is a shortage of technicians as a result of four major issues: Compensation & Flat Rate Working Conditions in the Shop Lack of Professional

Video for Recruiting is Easy – Get Started Guide for Shops

Video has become an incredibly important part of recruiting in every industry, and the automotive and diesel industries are no exception. In fact, in a recent WrenchWay Insiders poll question, 85% of technicians say they think video helps them to determine if a shop is a good fit for them. Unfortunately, the automotive and diesel

Need to Hire Mechanics? Get More Applicants By Recruiting Passive Candidates

Dealerships and shops are having a hell of a time trying to find technicians to hire. Not only are we working against a national technician shortage, but less than 5% of technicians are actively looking for jobs. For many of the dealerships and shops we talk to, the bulk of their recruiting strategy revolves around

Technician & Mechanic Statistics & Infographic: Recruiting, Training, Job Satisfaction, & More

The technician shortage is no joke. Studies report we may need more than 100,000 new auto technicians to join the workforce every year through 2026 to keep up with demand. So, what can shops do now to improve the trade and attract more people to the industry? Shops need to start by listening to technicians

3 Shops Taking Technician Recruiting to the Next Level

It’s no secret — recruiting technicians in today’s market is brutal for shops and dealerships. Nearly every shop is hiring, making it incredibly difficult to stand out to technicians as a place they want to work at. WrenchWay has worked with shops across the country in the automotive, diesel, and collision repair industries to help

How Shops Can Use Video to Recruit Technicians

How are you going to get your repair shop to stand out from other shops hiring technicians? Technicians are getting tired of seeing the same information in every shop's job posting. One way you can stand out from all the other shops is by including videos to help attract the right technicians. Before we get

29+ Places to Help You Find Automotive Technicians

Across the automotive industry, shops are feeling the effects of the technician shortage. Finding good, qualified technicians is the top priority of many shops. But, where are shops supposed to find these technicians? Thankfully, there isn’t a shortage of places for your shop or dealership to post and advertise open technician positions. Where to Find

15 Tips for Writing an Effective Automotive Technician Job Posting

We know that finding qualified technicians is not always an easy job. This is why it is so important for shops to create a job posting that is effective at attracting the right technicians. We’ve identified some of the common errors, and came up with 15 tips on how you can write an effective automotive

Top 3 Reasons Technicians Hate Your Job Posting

Originally published on VehicleServicePros.com Here at WrenchWay, we've seen so many instances where shops are struggling to get their job postings in front of technicians. With the technician shortage, you want to ensure that your job posting is leaving a solid first impression on technicians. Unfortunately, what we see is the majority of technician job

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