What’s important to automotive technicians when looking for a new employer? What does job satisfaction look like for today’s automotive technicians?

Using data from our latest Voice of Technician Survey along with a few other industry sources, we answer these questions and more below!


  • There are over 592,000 automotive technicians employed in the United States (IBISWorld).
  • Post-secondary automotive completions in 2022 showed a 17% increase in only one year (TechForce Foundation).
  • Over 465,000 new entrant automotive technicians will be needed between 2023 and 2027 (TechForce Foundation).
  • The average age of automotive technicians is 40-years-old (Zippia).
  • Women make up 12% of all automotive technicians in the United States (BLS).
  • 85% of automotive technicians in the United States are white, followed by 29% who are Hispanic or Latino (BLS).

What Technicians Want in an Employer

  • 93% of automotive technicians want paid vacation time.
  • 89% of automotive technicians want to receive paid training from the shop they work for.
  • 78% of automotive technicians want a well-documented career path.
  • 75% of automotive technicians do not want to work weekends.
  • 71% of automotive technicians want thorough and consistent performance reviews.
  • 34% of automotive technicians prefer to be paid hourly with a production bonus, while 26% prefer flat rate with a 40-hour guarantee.

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Automotive Technician Job Satisfaction

  • 59% of automotive technicians think their shop provides fair compensation.
  • 56% of automotive technicians think their shop provides good benefits.
  • 56% of automotive technicians feel respected by their management.
  • 54% of automotive technicians would recommend their shop to a friend.
  • 41% of automotive technicians think their shop management communicates well.
  • 38% automotive technicians think their shop has a well laid out career path.

Automotive Industry

  • 30% of automotive technicians said they would eliminate flat rate as a first step to helping solve the technician shortage.
  • 29% of automotive technicians would like shops to pay for tools or provide an adequate tool allowance as a solution to combat the technician shortage.
  • 60% of automotive technicians have considered leaving the industry.
  • Out of automotive technicians who have considered leaving the industry, 46% of them said stress related to pay was their biggest reason.

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Bonus Infographic!

Various auto and diesel mechanic facts in an infographic image