Episode Description

Forty-two percent of technicians leave the industry within the first two years (ASE). We need to ask ourselves, why is this percentage so high? What is causing new technicians to leave the industry and find a new career path?

In this week’s episode of Beyond the Wrench, we are joined by Laura Lyons, President of ATech Training, to learn more about the concerns regarding joining the automotive industry, how to build a stronger industry, and how to set future technicians up for success.

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Episode Highlights

Concerns for Joining the Automotive Industry

  • The advancement of technology and computers within cars is growing so fast, and getting more complicated everyday. There is a lack of training because it’s difficult for teachers to keep up on the new skills needed to teach future technicians.
  • Technicians are very smart individuals and deserve a lot more credit — especially with the advancements in technology. We are starting to compete against other industries for the same talent.
  • Technicians go into the automotive industry with a lack of foundational skills. These aren’t skills they can learn in two hours. Techs need to take the time to practice and learn the correct skills outside of the classroom
  • When being introduced in the industry, technicians aren’t seeing a clear career path, leading them to leave the industry as a whole.

How to Build a Stronger Automotive Industry

  • We need to start talking with students at a young age (before high school) about the automotive industry and how they can get involved.
  • Teachers need to be realistic of the industry and the opportunities out there for people that want to get involved in the industry.
  • Allow new technicians more opportunities for dual credit. Then young techs can slowly get involved early and not lose confidence. This could also allow them to make some money to get ahead on buying tools or other equipment.
  • A teacher’s role is critical in steering kids into certain career paths. Students need to hear from their teachers that becoming a technician can be a stable and rewarding career choice.

How to Set Future Technicians Up for Success

  • Develop a strong mentorship program. Match new technicians with mentors that are like them so they have someone to look up to.
  • Going into a first job is extremely scary and makes techs feel like they have no idea what they’re doing. It’s important to not discourage new technicians because those first couple years are important when trying to establish a career path and build confidence.
  • Show technicians support right from the beginning. Be patient and ensure they are being taught the right way.

Show Notes


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About Our Host:

Jay Goninen
Co- Founder & President, WrenchWay
jayg@wrenchway.com | 608.716.2122

About Our Guest:

Laura Lyons
President, ATech Training

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