84% of fortune 500 companies and 100% of fortune 50 companies have mentorship programs. Of those with a mentor, 97% say it is valuable. In this roundtable, we are joined by three industry experts to explain the importance of mentorship, how to create a mentorship program, and the overall benefits of a mentorship in a shop.

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Roundtable Highlights

The Importance of Mentorship

  • As a mentor, focus on one thing and that is to make the mentee the best they can be. Focus on making them feel comfortable in the shop and set them up for success in the industry.
  • Shops who understand mentorship are financially more successful because of it. There is a reason why all the best companies do it. It helps the future of the automotive industry, and it makes financial sense.
  • Mentorship doesn’t only affect the mentee, it affects the entire shop. Show recognition for the mentor, and make them feel appreciated for the hard work they are doing.

Qualities of a Great Mentor

  • Great mentors take the time to meet people where they are and grow their mentee to their highest potential.
  • Not everyone is made to be a mentor. It’s not always your highest producing technician who is going to be a great mentor. Great mentors have to have a leadership skill set to be a successful mentor.
  • Technicians are kinesthetic learners, problem solvers, and like to work with their hands. We have to adapt to the way they like to learn.
  • Mentors are people that want to help other people. They want to help grow the future of the industry and care about the future success of the shop.

How to Structure a Mentorship Program

  • Get technicians involved in the interview process of hiring new technicians/mentees.
  • The number one reason shops fall short is because they think mentorship is going to happen over night. There are unrealistic expectations on how long it is going to take.
  • The culture in your shop affects how the mentorship program is going to turn out. It’s an ongoing long-term process, and shop culture is at the root of it.
  • Everybody in the shop has to have buy-in for the mentorship program to work. The entire shop needs to be on the same page and rowing in the same direction.
  • Shops have to be constantly changing and adapting their mentorship program to fit the needs of the mentee and changes within the industry.
  • Find good people and work out where they fit from there. Every person is different and being able to find where their strengths are is very important.