We are excited to announce that WrenchWay has reached a major milestone—over 1,000 high schools and post-secondary schools are now a part of WrenchWay!

WrenchWay’s mission is to promote and improve careers in automotive & diesel. A big part of helping with the technician shortage is providing industry support to schools.

Most shops and dealerships are eager to help schools, but they often struggle to find the time and don’t always know where to begin. Similarly, instructors want to connect with the industry, yet finding the time and the right contact can be a significant challenge.

WrenchWay fills this gap by connecting both shops and schools on one central platform called School Assist.

WrenchWay: Connecting Schools with Local Shops

Building Stronger Connections: How WrenchWay School Assist is Bridging the Gap Between Schools and Industry

Through WrenchWay School Assist, schools can post requests for class speakers, tool and parts donations, and shop tours. Shops and dealerships on WrenchWay can then browse these requests. Additionally, shops can list any available resources they have for schools. Both parties can message each other directly on WrenchWay.

Schools and industry agree that WrenchWay makes it easier to work together, helps improve their programs, and gets more kids interested in the industry.

Matt Kerhin, Technology & Engineering Teacher at Hartford Union High School loves School Assist and the new connections he has made on WrenchWay.

“One of our local tech schools donated a vehicle for us, plus some equipment, and we have had other donations. This help and these relationships with dealers were formed in large part through WrenchWay,” explains Kerhin. “So, if you happen to be an educator, and you are not yet linked up with WrenchWay, please give Jay and the team a call and see if it’s something you can use for your program. There are people out there who want to help you and your students!”

Shops are eager to help local schools and are thankful to WrenchWay for bridging the gap.

“I want to thank WrenchWay for helping local schools. If it wasn’t for WrenchWay, I’m not sure we would’ve connected with Ben Zimmerman, Automotive Instructor at Verona Area High School,” said Steven Lehl, Mercedes Benz Shop Foreman of Zimbrick European. “I responded to one of Ben’s requests on WrenchWay School Assist for tool and equipment donations, and our partnership has grown from there. So, thank you. I hope this continues to grow and helps many schools around the U.S.”

WrenchWay is pleased to see so many people using School Assist, but, as Mark Wilson, Co-Founder & CEO of WrenchWay, explains, there is even more to come.

“Seeing the growth of School Assist has been one of the most rewarding parts of my career. We knew there was a need for something like this, but I had no idea it would grow as fast as it has,” explains Wilson. “Getting 1,000 schools on the program is a testament to our team and the industry as a whole. We have some exciting product enhancements we’ll be announcing later this year and I look forward to continuing to build this platform to 5,000 then 10,000 and beyond.”

Mark Wilson, Co-Founder & CEO of WrenchWay

Does Your Auto or Diesel Program Need Support?

If you are an instructor looking for resources to strengthen your auto, diesel, or tech ed program, sign up for a free school account today and explore our platform. There are no hidden fees or gimmicks—our resources are completely free for schools!

Sign Up for a Free WrenchWay School Account