
For Technicians

How Technicians Can Build Relationships with Shop Owners & Managers

We recently wrote an article about how shop owners and managers can build stronger relationships with technicians. But, like every great relationship, it goes both ways. Managers and owners can’t be the only ones putting effort into building a relationship with their technicians. Technicians need to be putting in just as much effort. In this

2023-02-21T12:59:05-05:00For Technicians|

Interview Tips for Technicians: How to Get a Feel for Shop Onboarding

This article is a part of a short ongoing series outlining interviewing tips for technicians. We sat down with Garrick Weaver, HR Director from Penn Power Group to get his professional insights on how technicians can make sure they’re asking the right questions in the interview to find the shop that’s the best fit for

2023-02-21T12:59:36-05:00For Technicians|

19+ Unspoken Rules of the Shop for New Technicians

*Image courtesy of Baierl Ford’s WrenchWay Top Shop page. It's challenging being the new technician in the shop. No one wants to be “that guy” or “that girl” in the shop. New technicians starting out are wondering what unspoken shop rules to follow in order to stay on the good side of their fellow technicians

2024-07-12T12:02:06-05:00For Technicians|

5 Reasons Why You Should Take the Interview, Even if You Aren’t Sure About the Technician Job

Accepting a technician job and going for an interview are two very different things. Just because you go to an interview, act interested, and give it your full effort, it doesn’t mean you need to accept the job offer. In any career choice, it is always a good idea to accept and attend an interview,

2023-02-21T12:59:42-05:00For Technicians|

Protect Your Tools: Tragedy Sparks Conversation About Tool Insurance

This article was originally published on VehicleServicePros.com in 2019. Recently, I made a visit to the northwoods of Wisconsin. If you’ve never been, I’d highly recommend making the trip, especially during the fall as it is absolutely gorgeous. I typically love my visits to northern Wisconsin as it provides some level of peacefulness and a

8 Reasons to Become an Automotive Technician

Have you thought about a career path in the automotive industry, but wasn’t sure if it was the right fit for you? If you have a passion for working with your hands and love to problem solve, automotive technician could be the perfect career. We’ve compiled the top eight reasons you should become an automotive

2024-07-29T08:51:25-05:00For Technicians|

40+ Questions Technicians Can Ask in a Mechanic Job Interview

Not only is a job interview a time for the shop to get to know the technician/mechanic and assess their skillset, but it’s also an opportunity for the technicians to determine if the shop is a good place to work. Asking your interviewer questions is incredibly important. Not only does it show you’re interested in

2024-09-04T13:38:54-05:00For Technicians|

What You Need to Know Before Starting as a Technician

When starting a career as an auto or diesel technician, you might gain a general sense of the field through YouTube videos, blogs, and podcasts. However, these resources only scratch the surface. With 79% of technicians having considered leaving the industry, it’s clear people who are interested in pursuing a career as a technician need

2024-08-30T13:28:04-05:00For Technicians|

What to Wear For a Technician or Mechanic Job Interview

We are often asked, what should a technician wear to a job interview? There are many opinions on this subject, some of which we will highlight below. However, we advise technicians to err on the side of caution and “dress up.” It is far better to be overdressed than it is to be underdressed. What

2024-07-12T10:54:36-05:00For Technicians|

How Techs Should Approach Shop Management About Career Progression

From my rather short time as an actual technician, I remember being somewhat frustrated by the lack of clarity on where my career was headed. It really wasn't a topic of conversation that was had regularly, and it felt like a really awkward question to bring up to management. Now that I've been on both

2023-06-13T13:25:17-05:00For Technicians|
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