Here at WrenchWay, we are always working to think of new and creative ways to share the knowledge, skill level, and hard work it takes to be an automotive technician. This is why we started our technicians spotlight series. These articles are part of an ongoing series to highlight and promote the technician career — demonstrating to kids, parents, and teachers how becoming a technician is a rewarding career path that can be lucrative and open the door to many opportunities within the industry.

Location: Cabot, AR
Experience: 20 Years
Job Title: Automotive Technician, Gwatney Chevrolet

I recently had the amazing opportunity to sit down with Jason O., Automotive Technician, Gwatney Chevrolet to discuss his passion for the automotive industry, advice for young technicians joining the industry, and Jason’s growing Tik Tok following.

Jason’s Story

From the age of seven, Jason knew being an automotive technician was the career for him. He grew up racing junior dragsters and instantly felt the spark. There was a local shop down the street from Jason’s house, and he loved going there to watch the technicians work and helped out by sweeping the floors.

When Jason got into high school, he came across the dealership he is working at today, and started shadowing technicians through the General Motors ASEP program. He then went to Oklahoma State Institute of Technology, went through a two-year apprenticeship program, and has been in the dealership ever since working as the top Corvette guy.

“I get to work on a bunch of Corvettes and high end vehicles, and it makes it really fun.”
Jason O., Automotive Technician, Gwatney Chevrolet

Opportunities Within the Automotive Industry

Unfortunately, the automotive industry hasn’t always had the best reputation compared to other careers. Jason wishes this industry didn’t have the old stigma that it’s just a bunch of grease balls.

“People need to know that you can make a sustainable lifestyle in this industry by being a technician.”
Jason O., Automotive Technician, Gwatney Chevrolet

Jason is proud to be an automotive technician and has made a happy living in this career. He has a beautiful house, nice wife, two great kids and is able to provide for his family.

Additionally, there are many other opportunities within the industry people should consider. The industry needs service advisors and managers as well. People can even go into selling cars if they want to. The opportunities are endless!

Love for the Industry

Jason loves the gratification of helping a customer, especially when they’re in a bind. Technicians have a strong knowledge and understanding in a subject most people aren’t familiar with.

“When you get a Christmas card from a customer that spent $2000 with you six months ago, it’s extremely rewarding and you feel like you’ve really done something good.”
Jason O., Automotive Technician, Gwatney Chevrolet

Getting Involved in the Industry Outside of the Shop

Jason’s passion for the automotive industry doesn’t stop in the shop. He is an active member on the Oklahoma State Institute of Technology advisory board. At his shop, they are working to set up an apprentice shop program for kids that don’t want to go down the college route.

“I think people getting involved [in an advisory board] like myself and other technicians is a real breath of fresh air for the boards and schools. They need input from people like us to help them continue to turn out good technicians.”
Jason O., Automotive Technician, Gwatney Chevrolet

When it comes to an advisory board, technicians have an input that people who sit on those boards don’t have. Jason and other technicians have an inside view of what’s actually going on in the shops and what needs to happen within schools to set kids up for success when they come into the industry.

To be successful in this industry, technicians have to stay up-to-date on training. Since the moment Jason knew he wanted to be a technician, he never stopped training and continued learning new skills.

“Don’t give anybody a reason not to give you a super huge pay raise. Go out there and learn everything you can and continue learning.”
Jason O., Automotive Technician, Gwatney Chevrolet

Advice to Young Technicians

Jason wants new technicians to learn as much as they can and not sell themselves short by taking shortcuts and passing tests using Google. While given the chance to learn in the industry, technicians need to truly learn as much as possible. If they don’t learn the material at one point, later on in life they’re going to have a car bite them and they’ll have to learn the hard way regardless.

“You can pass a test using Google these days. Don’t do that. Learn the material, learn what is being taught to you, and get your education’s worth.”
Jason O., Automotive Technician, Gwatney Chevrolet

Using TikTok to Help the Industry

Jason loves using TikTok as a new and different resource to help technicians and has created quite the following on his TikTok account. He loves posting videos of in-depth diagnostics and answering technicians’ questions.

“I don’t really get involved in the trends, but I like putting music to a cool video to catch eyes. My main thing I really like doing is helping people.”
Jason O., Automotive Technician, Gwatney Chevrolet

Watch the Full Interview

Technician Spotlight Series: Jason O.